Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Maybe There Really Are No Mistakes

Artist Unknown, which is too bad, I would love to credit the creator of this beautiful image.

Maybe Blogger knows what it's doing after all... or is in cahoots with some greater invisible wisdom, mysteriously sending out random old posts - that are weirdly changing things. The first one actually got me writing again, this last one, from yesterday, about the (former and incomplete) 365 Grateful project has got me seriously thinking...

Thinking about a possible new project: about making a commitment to something meaningful; about honoring nature, our planet, our beautiful Mother Earth. It most likely will involve 365 days, and photos, it might even involve prayer - though that said, since I'm not religious, I'm never sure who or what exactly I'm praying to... and yet I believe in the power of prayer; thought is energy, energy makes our world go round.

Next Monday evening (my local time) is autumn equinox. Here in North America, autumn equinox marks the first day of fall. It's when the day and the night are (almost) exactly equal in length. It's when the sun passes into the sign of Libra. Nights and mornings are brisk, leaves are beginning to turn, change is in the very air itself. It's the time of harvest, of completion; and also, in spite of the fact that we normally wait to do this at the calendar new year, it's the time for assessment, for shedding the old; it's a time of transition, and planting the seeds of new growth and goals. So stay tuned... it seems like the perfect time to take on something new...

And thank you to this weird random Blogger/Universe thing for setting this whole idea in motion

The autumn equinox opens the cycle of the Year of the Soul for one who wishes to attune to the true mysteries of Nature.   ~Ted Andrews, Nature - Speak: Signs, Omens, & Messages in Nature

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