Monday, December 28, 2020


life arrives so subtly you almost don't notice it
like a soft hum or whisper, 
a purr that grows slowly in the dark

But sometimes it hits you 
in broad 
one day 
life is 
or what
has begun to pass 
as normal
and the next you are 
holding and soothing

dreams are like that

there are the slow-burn kind
the someday kind
the you can't say when they even began kind

then there are the kind
you want
to give birth to
hold and nurture
grow into being


after a lifetime of wanting more
needing more
suddenly all you want is less
less words
less things
less suffering

except you do want more
you long unabashedly for quiet 
more quiet
and for stars
a sky filled with stars
for poetry
for Teresa of Avila
and sheep
yes sheep
and long green grasses
and rambling roses

you have no idea how to write a poem
you don't dream of being a poet
you just write one word
and then
another because
you get tired of the long drawn out
that go on and on 
the paragraphs too

every now and then
you just want to say more 
with less

you want to be more
with less

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