Sunday, July 5, 2015

How Lucky

How Lucky it is to call such an astonishing planet home
How Lucky to live an hour's drive from the shore
How Lucky for birds for sand for painted skies for invigorating salt water for dolphin fins

How Lucky for an able body for eyes that see for lungs that breathe for a heart that beats (and loves and breaks and loves and breaks and loves again)

How Lucky for a long walk, for waves hitting legs, cool breezes on skin
How Lucky for a comfortable beach chair healthy food a good book a nice camera

How Lucky, how very lucky for good company, my own and others'
How Lucky for basic safety

How Lucky for deep relaxation
For the feeling I get when on, in, or near the water... that anything is possible... anything

How Lucky that somehow, through some bit of grace, in a simple moment, completely unexpected, I slip like Alice through a hole in the magnificent clouds and the Great Sky and I became One and I am utterly transported

Wow. How Incredibly Lucky to be alive.


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