Sunday, January 4, 2015

In The Mirror

Oh woe is me... it somehow escaped me - at least long enough to publicly rocket into the whole radical self love stratosphere - that said radical self love would have to include my physical self. This poor body, that in so many ways has been through war and back - that I am ashamed of and embarrassed by, that is too big, that is very much aging; this body, that's been abused, misused, starved, over fed, neglected, pushed around, bullied, battled, seriously wounded. That loves to move and feel and dance and be touched, that loves the sun and wind on its skin, music in its ears, deep bass notes vibrating through its cells; that is tired and ragged and full of pain, that is frozen from post traumatic stress, this body... this body that I am mostly terrified to actually inhabit, that I long to fully inhabit, that has birthed two beautiful souls into the world, that has served me and continues to serve me so well... this body, the physical aspect of this self.

What better place to start than the very edge of the cliff, what better place to begin than the one spot that is the most challenging and that causes the most discomfort, the greatest fear. Toes poised at the edge of the jagged peak... and I find, much to my amazement, that I am ready to jump, ready to fly with it.

I had the most wonderful dream last night. Archetypal, filled with exquisite imagery and mind-blowing sensation as the beloved masculine merged with the beloved feminine, meeting fully naked and fully available; filled with profound love and self love as I opened and surrendered to this precious merging, a coming together on all levels, body, emotions, spirit, soul. It affirmed what I realized yesterday, that it's not actually "radical" self love that this is about, but PROFOUND self love... "profound" feeling much bigger, deeper, softer, more encompassing, in short, more loving. 

So here's to the journey into...

With Love,
Debby Rose

And p.s., on a practical note, it seems that this is going to be a big process and I am committed to showing up here for it. It will mean more posts than usual... so I just want to say that if you receive these via email and you aren't interested in this process, or the number of posts there might be, please unsubscribe... I know what it's like to be inundated with emails that are not wanted, plus it would feel better to me if I know that the folks who are getting this automatically really want to be getting it. Thank you.

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