Sunday, December 25, 2011


This year
I let Christmas in.

And it occurs to me that
every year
the spirit of Christmas goes wandering
looking for room at the inn
of my heart

turned aside
by the hurry of business
the demands of desires
the walls of grudge, bitterness

but when at last
a door of willingness opens
there comes inside
each year
a newborn spirit

of hope
joy of this life
the courage of kindness
the warm embrace of forgiveness

so powerful,
it draws shepherds,
wise ones, some who hold sway in this world,
even humble animals respond,
look up to the silent chorus
of shimmering angels
among the stars, bending
low, to welcome again this


- Scott O'Brien


  1. This is wonderful Debbie!
    I hope you had a beautiful Christmas, and I wish you a very happy New Year.

  2. I left a comment on your photo blog and then hopped over here to read the poem. So Beautiful!


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