Sunday, September 11, 2011

Love and Peace

Today I'm participating for the first time in a new online photo opportunity, Photo Art Friday, "an artistic showcase using photos as your canvas," hosted by Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photo Art (who btw, makes and generously shares some fantastic textures for use in transforming photos!) I love the inspiration for Photo Art Friday, the Jackson Pollack quote, "Is it really art? Your opinion is the only one that matters." Bonnie stresses that this is not a competition, but a friendly showcase of creativity and inspiration. I love that!

I chose this photo for a couple of reasons. First, it's one of my most favorites since I began learning photoshop earlier this year. And second, and most importantly, because roses symbolize love. And on this, the tenth anniversary of 9/ll, I want to send out love and wishes for healing and peace to our entire beautiful planet and all of her beings.

So thanks, Bonnie, for this opportunity. Click on the badge below to check out other beautiful and inspirational photo art.

Photo Art Friday


  1. Debby, this is one lovely piece of editing. So happy you chose to participate in Photo Art Friday. Thank you for the kinds words and link.

  2. Like you, I'm a lover of roses. The way they bend in full flower here is beautiful. This creation is simply majestic.

  3. this truly does exemplify love and peace. additional words really aren't necessary, nor would they do it justice. happy day to you Debby.

  4. This is beautiful Debby!
    Truly a work of art.


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